Heidegger's Question Concerning Technology

German philosopher, existentialist, and a notoriously cryptic writer, whose texts are said to be "untranslatable", even in German! Heidegger was always interested in technology at its simplest but in 1954 he published an essay to uncover what technology really is. This was almost a decade after World War II which had caused unprecedented havoc and wreckage, primarily due to technology (atomic bomb). This was also a time when innovation was growing at an immense speed, and this concerned Heidegger deeply. He set out his views in the essay, The Question Concerning Technology. The essence of technology is by no means anything technological. It's not just pushing forward innovation for efficiency, it is essentially human activity, an instrument, or a means to an end. This instrumentality implies causality. You do this because you want to do that. This happens if you do that, and so on. He uses the Aristotelian theory that all physical objects have four causes, in order to...